The Data and Analytics Network Compliance Enforcement Register (DANCER), colloquially known as the Naughty and Nice list, has been revised with the latest, up-to-date data in the leadup to the 2021 Christmas season.
The 2021 Naughty and Nice List is available on the Department of Christmas Affairs website.
The recent publication provides an easily referenceable list of everyone who has been good this calendar year, as well as everyone who has unfortunately fallen below acceptable naughtiness thresholds.
The Department of Christmas Affairs, acknowledges that 2021 has been particularly stressful for many people – which may have applied downward pressure to many people’s aggregate Naughty/Nice rating, and could potentially have caused what would otherwise have been a positive score to drop below the N/N divider.
While the Department’s best elf data architects, scientists and modelers have been working tirelessly to adjust a variety of risk ratings to account for this aberration, it is possible that some data points where not taken into consideration, and therefore did not factor into the Department’s calculations at the time of publication.
With this in mind, the Department has initiated an open public consultation process. Concerned citizens who have found themselves, or their loved ones, on the Naughty list are encouraged to submit additional evidence of good behaviour through the Department of Christmas Affair’s website.
Every effort will be made to ensure dispute processing times are as streamlined as possible, to provide people with surety of their Naughty or Nice status this Christmas.
The 2021 Naughty and Nice List will be updated weekly by close of business on a Friday afternoon (AEST).
Concerned citizens can submit their evidence at

The DCA needs your help!
Improving your Naughty and Nice list experience
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